agenda de la semana 25jul-31jul

Vamos con la última agenda del mes, y ahora hacemos una pausa de 2-3 semanas sin publicar, según el número de eventos, que ahora mismo ya no salen casi nuevos. Si hay algo interesane lo comunicaré por twitter.

martes 26

  • Connect, Extend and Innovate Oracle SaaS Partner Kickoff Webcast FY23: martes 26 julio 16:30 – 17:30 en Online. Want to increase the Oracle Cloud business? Create new service offerings and solutions for Oracle SaaS applications based on the Oracle Cloud Platform? Attend this webcast with Suhas Uliyar, Vice President Oracle Product Management.
  • Online workshop: Learn to code your first landing page in 2 hours: martes 26 julio 18:30 – 20:30 en online. This online workshop will start with a 1-hour lecture to introduce the core concepts. You will then be onboarded on Le Wagon’s e-learning platform and access the slides, a sum-up of key notions as well as exercises to keep practicing after the workshop.
  • Online workshop: Learn to code your first landing page in 2 hours: martes 26 julio 18:30 – 20:30 en Online. In this 2 hours online workshop you will learn: The tools you need to design, build and host your own landing page. How to structure your landing page with HTML, then style it with CSS and finally get your website live. All the necessary tools to start designing and building pages yourself without any prior coding experience!.

jueves 28

  • Webinar: «CPUs vs GPUs for Your End-to-End Data Science Workflows»: jueves 28 julio 18:00 – 19:00 en Online. We know that model training and inference is faster on GPU, but the slowest, most draining part of a data scientist’s typical day is processing data into the structure the model requires. Can GPUs help us with this challenge as well?.
  • React sin CSS. Aprende Tailwind: jueves 28 julio 18:00 – 19:30 en Online. Hoy te toca aprender algo nuevo, usa Tailwind en tus proyectos en React y olvídate del CSS. Aprende de la mano de Marc Pomar a integrar Tailwind en React sin complicaciones. ¡Te esperamos!.
  • Webinar: «CPUs vs GPUs for Your End-to-End Data Science Workflows»: jueves 28 julio 18:00 – 19:00 en Online. We know that model training and inference is faster on GPU, but the slowest, most draining part of a data scientist’s typical day is processing data into the structure the model requires.
  • Bye Bye, Webpack: jueves 28 julio 19:00 – 20:00 en Online. En esta charla haremos una introducción rápida a Webpack explicando por qué nos facilita tanto la vida a los desarrolladores front, e intentaremos mostrarte a través de ejemplos por qué deberías darle una oportunidad a Vite y dejar de utilizar vue-cli en tus proyectos Vue o create-react-app en tus aplicaciones React.
  • Learn to build a machine-learning algorithm in 2h & predict the gender gap: jueves 28 julio 19:30 – 21:30 en Online. this 2 hours workshop you will learn: – The logic and foundations behind Machine Learning, to better understand how it can be used and where not to – Different use cases of Machine Learning and we will give you the chance to solve two of the most typical Machine Learning tasks yourself – regression and classification- How to predict the gender pay gap based on some features such as job descriptions, age and other demographics.


jueves 04

  • Aprende a usar GIT y GITHUB: jueves 4 agosto 18:30 – 20:30 en Online.
    Si estás realmente motivado en acelerar tu carrera y transformar tu vida impulsando o empezando desde cero una profesión relacionada con las tecnologías digitales, nuestros bootcamps de Big Data & Machine Learning o Cloud Native Web Development en formato fulltime o part time de 11 o 24 semanas son tu opción!.

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