#Internacionalizate: Branding, the Key to Internationalization

Organizamos una nueva edición de #Internacionalizate con el branding como tema principal, poco a poco vamos repasando distintos aspectos importantes para llevar fuera tu empresa. Te espero allí, apúntate!

#Internacionalizate: Branding, the Key to Internationalization: martes 4 a las 19:00, Madrid International Lab, c/Bailén 41.

Round table & networking

The round table event will be held in English, but feel free to take part in either English or Spanish.

Are you looking to expand your business internationally? 

Unlimited opportunities for growth are out there, particularly in emerging and other fast-growth markets! With international business comes a unique set of challenges, including supply chain sourcing, manufacturing, market-entry strategy, and building your consumer base. Join us and take part in this “Internacionalízate” event where three mass media, social media and internationalization experts will share with us their internationalization approach on a marketing level:

  • Guillermo Criado: Partner at Silex.
  • Juan Millán: Gedeth Network Managing Partner.
  • David Gómez: Social Media Strategist at Gedeth Network .
  • Moderators:  Emprelab Founder Wilhelm Lappe. and  Krauss Language Solutions CEO Pilar Mejía.

The agenda offers both roundtable discussions and networking that provide a unique opportunity to engage with your peers and generate new ideas to take back to your organization and begin your expansion.


7:00 pm  Welcome Reception

7:05 pm  Round Table

8:30 pm  Networking at Madrid International Lab.

9.15 pm  End of event.

Version EN

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